A shell for Docker that can do autocompletion and syntax highlighting.
Docker commands have tons of options. They are hard to remember.
Container names are hard to remember and type.
Same goes for image names.
There are some handy shortcuts too. What was that command ro remove all dangling images? OMG, what was it? docker rmi $(docker ps --all --quiet)? Oh, there you go:
Boom! How about removing all stopped containers?
Wharfee is a Python package hosted on pypi and installed with:
$ pip install wharfee
Alternatively, you can install the latest from github and get all the bugfixes that didn't make it into pypi release yet:
$ pip install git+https://github.com/j-bennet/wharfee.git
- To talk to Docker: docker-py.
- To power the CLI: Python Prompt Toolkit.
- To format the output: tabulate.
- To print out the output: Click.
Yes! Pull request or issues are welcome.
First, install the requirements for testing:
$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
There are unit tests under tests. The command to run them is:
$ py.test
Additionally, there are integration tests, that can be run with:
$ cd tests
$ behave
To see stdout/stderr, use the following command:
$ behave --no-capture