
This is a app developed in angular that allows the user to search through git-hub repositories and user profiles.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Github-Search is a website app designed in Angular. It assists uses to search through git-hub Users and there repositories.It was developed on 17th August 2018

By Contributors


The program has the following user behavior specifications:

User Behaviour Input Output
User chooses whether to search for User-Profile or Repos Click search profile Button Opens profile Page
writes user-profile name on search inputs username in form profile details of the user appears
User chooses to search user-repos click view user repo button Opens of repo page
User writes username on the search Inputs username in form Repo details appear on screen

Setup/Installation Requirements

For Installation and setup requirements one could fork or clone the Github repository on my github profile

Known Bugs

There no Known Bugs

Technologies used

The program uses the following technologies For the user-interface and Business-logic:

  • HTML
  • Bootstrap Styles
  • Angular 6

Support and contact details

I encourage you to contact me for any queries through our github links above.


MIT Copyright (c) {2018}