Github-Search is a website app designed in Angular. It assists uses to search through git-hub Users and there repositories.It was developed on 17th August 2018
- - Wangui Njoka
The program has the following user behavior specifications:
User Behaviour | Input | Output |
User chooses whether to search for User-Profile or Repos | Click search profile Button | Opens profile Page |
writes user-profile name on search | inputs username in form | profile details of the user appears |
User chooses to search user-repos | click view user repo button | Opens of repo page |
User writes username on the search | Inputs username in form | Repo details appear on screen |
For Installation and setup requirements one could fork or clone the Github repository on my github profile
- The live link on gh-pages is:
There no Known Bugs
The program uses the following technologies For the user-interface and Business-logic:
- Bootstrap Styles
- Angular 6
I encourage you to contact me for any queries through our github links above.
MIT Copyright (c) {2018}