
A collection of command line utilities for manipulating VASP input / outpu

Primary LanguagePerl

VASP Utilities

Shell scripts and other code for helping with processing VASP input / output.

Repository contents:


Looks for OUTCAR in the current directory, and checks the most recently outputted set of forces against the convergence criterion.

For options use checkforce -h:

List force convergence from VASP OUTCAR

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help                  print this message

  -c, --convergence=CONV      set force convergence to CONV [this will override --outcar]
  -o, --outcar                read force convergence from OUTCAR 
  -v, --verbose               show convergence status for all atoms

Standard output:
remainder: < sum{force on atom - force convergence} / number of atoms >
maximum: < max non-converged forces >
not-opt: < number of non-converged forces > / < number of atoms >


usage: checkmag.py [-h] [-o OUTCAR] [-t THRESHOLD]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTCAR, --outcar OUTCAR
                        OUTCAR file to read from
  -t THRESHOLD, --threshold THRESHOLD
                        only report magnetic moments larger than this

Python dependencies: pymatgen


Checks convergence for calculations running for a Murnaghan equation of state fit. Each subdirectory that begins with a numeral is treated as a lattice parameter label, and checkforce is called.


Utility script for listing all VASP pseudopotential subdirectories. The root directory for the pseudopotential set should be set in the POTCARDIR environment variable, e.g. in your .bashrc

export POTCARDIR=the/path/to/your/pseudopotentials/PBE54
usage: get_potcar_list.py [-h] [-l] [-c COLUMNS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list            Print the list of pseudopotentials as a formatted
  -c COLUMNS, --columns COLUMNS
                        Set the number of columns for list output

If the -l flag is set without -c to set the number of columns, the output will automatically fit to the current terminal window.


A complete Murnaghan equation of state fitting procedure can be found at https://github.com/bjmorgan/vasppy/blob/master/scripts/murnfit.py (part of vasppy).


Requires POTCARDIR set as an environment variable. e.g. in your .bashrc add

export POTCARDIR=the/path/to/your/pseudopotentials/PBE54

Syntax is mkpotcar <P1> <P2> ..., where P1 and P2 (etc.) are names of pseudopotential directories in POTCARDIR.

If any of the requested directories are not found in POTCARDIR then get_potcar_list.py is called with the -l flag, to give a listing of the available pseudopotentials.

If get_potcar_list.py is in your path, then you can enable tab completion for valid pseudopotential directories by adding the following to your .bashrc:

  local cur
  COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${_potcars}" -- ${cur}) )

  return 0
complete -o nospace -F _mkpotcar mkpotcar


Generates a .xyz formatted trajectory file from the sequence of ionic positions saved in OUTCAR. Requires POSCAR to read in the numbers of each ionic species.


A complete Murnaghan equation of state fitting procedure can be found at https://github.com/bjmorgan/vasppy/blob/master/scripts/murnfit.py (part of vasppy).


parsedoscar is now a separate repository at https://github.com/bjmorgan/parsedoscar.


This file.