
The SharpDCIIDE is a Visual studio extension that allows users to visualize C# Context File of DCI Architecture.

Primary LanguageC#

THE SharpDCIIDE is inspired by Trygve Reenskaug and Jim Coplien DCI Architecture

The IDE is inspired by Josh Varty CodeConnect and MS DebugCanvas http://joshvarty.wordpress.com/2014/08/01/ripping-the-visual-studio-editor-apart-with-projection-buffers/comment-page-1/#comment-115



How to use:

Build the extention

  1. Open the project in Visual Studio 2019 Community version

  2. Build release/debug version

  3. Open bin folder and run TheDCIBabyIDE.vsix to install the extension

  4. Restart Visual studio, open the project again

  5. Open file with postfix _Context.cs (eg ContextFileOpeningContext.cs)

  6. Right click in the editor and select 'open in DCI Baby IDE'


  1. Open the project in Visual Studio 2019 Community Version

  2. Project settings: -Start external program: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe -Cmd line arguments: /rootsuffix Exp /log

  3. F5 to run and debug


  1. Install visual studio plugin TheSharperDCIIDE.vsix
  2. Open a context file e.g. ContextFileParsingContext.cs
  3. Right click and select open in DCI IDE