
Agent for running Semaphore 2.0 jobs

Primary LanguageRuby

Semaphore 2.0 Agents

Base agent responsibilities:

  • Run jobs
  • Provide output logs
  • Run a server
  • Inject env variables
  • Inject files
  • Run epilogue commands
  • Set up an SSH jump-point

Docker Based CI/CD:

  • Run commands in docker container
  • Start multiple docker containers, connect them via DNS
  • Checkout source code, run tests
  • Inject files and environments variables
  • Pull private docker images
  • Store and restore files from cache
  • Build docker in docker
  • Upload docker images from docker
  • Set up an SSH jump-point


agent [command] [flag]


  version   Print Agent version
  serve     Start server
  run       Runs a single job


 --auth-token-secret  Auth token for accessing the server (required)
 --port               Set a custom port (default 8000)
 --host               Set the bind address to a specific IP (default
 --tls-cert-path      Path to TLS Certificate (default `pwd/server.crt`)
 --tls-key-path       Path to TLS Private key (default `pwd/server.key`)
 --statsd-host        The host where to send StatsD metrics.
 --statsd-port        The port where to send StatsD metrics.
 --statsd-namespace   The prefix to be added to every StatsD metric.

Start with defaults:

agent serve --auth-token-secret 'myJwtToken'

## SSH jump-points

When a job starts, the public SSH keys sent with the Job Request are injected
into the '~/.ssh/authorized_keys'.

After that, a jump point for accessing the job is set up. For shell based
executors this is a simple `bash --login`. For docker compose based executors,
this is a more complex script that waits for the container to start up and
executes `docker-compose exec <name> bash --login`.

To SSH into an agent, use:

``` bash
ssh -t -p <port> <ip> bash /tmp/ssh_jump_point

Collecting Statds Metrics from the Agent

If configured, the Agent can publish the following StatsD metrics:

  • compose_ci.docker_pull.duration, tagged with: [image name]
  • compose_ci.docker_pull.success.rate, tagged with: [image name]
  • compose_ci.docker_pull.failure.rate, tagged with: [image name]

To configure Statsd publishing provide the following command-line flags to the Agent:

  • stats_host: The host where to send StatsD metrics.
  • stats_port: The port where to send StatsD metrics.
  • statsd-namespace: The prefix to be added to every StatsD metric.

Example Usage:

agent start --statsd-host "" --statsd-port 8192 --statsd-namespace "agent.prod"

If StatsD flags are not provided, the Agent will not publish any StatsD metric.