Isomorphic JavaScript BPMN 2.0 workflow elements suitable for bundling into frontend script or just required into your nodejs project.
The following elements are tested and supported.
- Definition: Executable BPMN 2 definition
- Process: Executes and keeps track of activity elements
- BpmnError
- BoundaryEvent
- CancelEventDefinition
- ConditionalEventDefinition
- CompensateEventDefinition
- compensate by outbound Association
- DataObject
- EndEvent
- Error
- ErrorEventDefinition
- throw
- catch
- EscalationEventDefinition
- throw
- catch
- EventBasedGateway
- ExclusiveGateway
- InclusiveGateway
- IntermediateCatchEvent
- IntermediateThrowEvent
- IoSpecification
- LinkEventDefinition
- throw
- catch
- MessageEventDefinition
- throw
- catch
- MessageFlow
- MultiInstanceLoopCharacteristics
- ParallelGateway
- ReceiveTask
- ScriptTask
- SequenceFlow
- ServiceImplementation: ServiceTask implementation attribute behaviour
- ServiceTask
- BusinessRuleTask: Same behaviour as ServiceTask
- SendTask: Same behaviour as ServiceTask
- Signal
- SignalEventDefinition
- throw
- catch
- SignalTask
- ManualTask
- UserTask
- StandardLoopCharacteristics
- StartEvent
- SubProcess
- Task
- TerminateEventDefinition
- TimerEventDefinition
- timeDuration
- timeDate
- timeCycle
- Transaction