
My OfflineIMAP and imapfilter configuration

Primary LanguageLua

About this repository

I use OfflineIMAP and imapfilter to synchronise and filter work and private emails. On top of OfflineIMAP I use mu4e (an email client for Emacs) to manage my emails. This repository contains my OfflineIMAP and imapfilter configuration files. My mu4e configuration is available in one of my other repositories.

Repository structure

This repository contains my OfflineIMAP configuration files:

  • .offlineimaprc My work (Microsoft Exchange) and private (Gmail) email account configuration. This file uses a small Python script, named .offlineimap.py (see next item) to read the authentication information that OfflineIMAP needs to synchronise emails for both accounts.
  • .offlineimap.py A Python script that contains a single function that uses gpg2 to read the password associated with the email account subject to synchronisation. The password is read from an encrypted file ~/.authinfo.gpg that stores the authentication information.
  • .imapfilter/config.lua The imapfilter configuration file that handles filtering of emails for both accounts. This configuration file uses the authentication information stored in ~/.authinfo.gpg.

Authentication information format

The encrypted ~/.authinfo.gpg file stores the authentication information for both accounts in the following format:

machine imap.gmail.com login peter.w.v.jorgensen@gmail.com port 993 password <password>
machine smtp.gmail.com login peter.w.v.jorgensen@gmail.com port 587 password <password>
machine imap.au.dk login uni\au219464 port 993 password <password>
machine asmtp.au.dk login uni\au219464 port 587 password <password>

This file is not included in this repository.


This OfflineIMAP configuration is inspired by areina’s gist