
using Unet to segmentate LV-MHP-v1 dataset

Primary LanguagePython


Using Unet to segmentate LV-MHP-v1 dataset need to trans the LV-MHP-V1 data to .npy file

1 download dataset(LV-MHP-v1 or others)

2 x\y_trans_png.py
base on train.txt /test.txt (filename of train/test data) devide the train/test image and resize
set the y_train/y_test data to black and white data

3 prepare_npy.py

you might need to understand my code and change some.

inputshape(none,128,128,3) outputshape(None, 128, 128, 1)


the label(y_train/y_test) is 0/1 not 0-255 !!!!!!!

QQ 1923269508 wechat: Stephon_Marbury_