Bootstrap Your Own Latent: A New Approach to Self-Supervised Learning

Primary LanguagePython

BYOL - Bootstrap Your Own Latent: A New Approach to Self-Supervised Learning

PyTorch implementation of "Bootstrap Your Own Latent: A New Approach to Self-Supervised Learning" by J.B. Grill et al.

Link to paper

This repository includes a practical implementation of BYOL with:

  • Distributed Data Parallel training
  • Benchmarks on vision datasets (CIFAR-10 / STL-10)
  • Support for PyTorch <= 1.5.0

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These are the top-1 accuracy of linear classifiers trained on the (frozen) representations learned by BYOL:

Method Batch size Image size ResNet Projection output dim. Pre-training epochs Optimizer STL-10 CIFAR-10
BYOL + linear eval. 192 224x224 ResNet18 256 100 Adam _ 0.832
Logistic Regression - - - - - - 0.358 0.389


git clone https://github.com/spijkervet/byol --recurse-submodules -j8
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 main.py


Using a pre-trained model

The following commands will train a logistic regression model on a pre-trained ResNet18, yielding a top-1 accuracy of 83.2% on CIFAR-10.

curl https://github.com/Spijkervet/BYOL/releases/download/1.0/resnet18-CIFAR10-final.pt -L -O
rm features.p
python3 logistic_regression.py --model_path resnet18-CIFAR10-final.pt


To run pre-training using BYOL with the default arguments (1 node, 1 GPU), use:

python3 main.py

Which is equivalent to:

python3 main.py --nodes 1 --gpus 1

The pre-trained models are saved every n epochs in *.pt files, the final model being model-final.pt


Finetuning a model ('linear evaluation') on top of the pre-trained, frozen ResNet model can be done using:

python3 logistic_regression.py --model_path=./model_final.pt

With model_final.pt being file containing the pre-trained network from the pre-training stage.

Multi-GPU / Multi-node training

Use python3 main.py --gpus 2 to train e.g. on 2 GPU's, and python3 main.py --gpus 2 --nodes 2 to train with 2 GPU's using 2 nodes. See https://yangkky.github.io/2019/07/08/distributed-pytorch-tutorial.html for an excellent explanation.


--image_size, default=224, "Image size"
--learning_rate, default=3e-4, "Initial learning rate."
--batch_size, default=42, "Batch size for training."
--num_epochs, default=100, "Number of epochs to train for."
--checkpoint_epochs, default=10, "Number of epochs between checkpoints/summaries."
--dataset_dir, default="./datasets", "Directory where dataset is stored.",
--num_workers, default=8, "Number of data loading workers (caution with nodes!)"
--nodes, default=1, "Number of nodes"
--gpus, default=1, "number of gpus per node"
--nr, default=0, "ranking within the nodes"