
TASP Core Plus Reference Implementation of the Vector/ Signal/Image processing (VSIP) Library (VSIPL)

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

How to compile
Try 'make' in the top level directory. 
If this does not work, or if you want to use FFTW as an FFT engine, 
or have other special needs or want to work on a custom library for your
own purposes Then:
Read 'README_How_To_Make'

NOTE: Development mode is not supported at this time 

If you have had no troubles you should go to the testing directory
to see how well the implementation runs on your platform, or go to the
Examples directories and make a couple of examples to see how things
work. If your having trouble let me know.

A core plus manual is available with updates for the init/finalize
functionality. It has not been extensively reviewed, and is preety
starting to be a bit elderly; but it contains a fare number of examples.

See VSIPL documents on web for the most up-to-date information.
Note: The VSIPL API specification is complete and at version 1.2 and is
the best, most reviewed, document for library functionality. The tutorial
documents I have included are old and need to be redone, but I don't have time
for this any time soon.

Although the Core Plus manual may not be up to speed the implementation 
should be compliant with the specification for the functions included. 
If you have a problem let me know.

For a (public) header file use vsip.h

Note that not a great deal of new functionality added in 1.1 and 1.2 are 
making it into the implementation and I still don't have some of the more 
complicated 1.0 functionality like SVD and IIR and 2d FFT. But there is a 
lot that is usable. If you don't like admit/release check out the new copyfrom_user 
and copyto_user. I have completed the float versions of this for matrix and 
vector both real and complex.