Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PIE-NET: Parametric Inference of Point Cloud Edges

This is the code repository for "PIE-NET: Parametric Inference of Point Cloud Edges” Created by Xiaogang Wang, Yuelang Xu, Kai Xu, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Bin Zhou, Ali Mahdavi-Amiri, Hao Zhang


Numpy (ver. 1.13.3)
TensorFlow (ver. 1.4.1)
scipy (ver. 0.19.1)
Matlab (ver. 2015a) 
Python (ver. 2.7)
Cuda (ver. 8.0)

This repository is based on Tensorflow and the TF operators from PointNet++ and PointNet. Therefore, you need to compile PointNet++ (here) and PointNet (here). The code is tested under TensorFlow 1.4.1 and Python 2.7 on Ubuntu 16.04.

Dataset Preparation

If you want to generate new training data, here's a full explanation, how to generate a complete Dataset from ABC Dataset:

1, How to filter models from ABC:
   We used a total of four Chunks. Since we considered only three curve types (Line/Circle/Bspline), all models that contain other types of curves, such as ellipses, are filtered out. At the same time, those models that are too complex are also eliminated (>30,0000 vertices). 

2, Downsample:
   2.1, we sampled 100,000 points densely for each model (based on the area of the triangular face).
   2.2, we use the Farthest Point Sampling (FPS) algorithm to sample 8096 points from 100,000 points.

3, Groundtruth transfer:
   3.1, Extract the GT information from the original file
     3.1.1, Extract all 'vertices', 'faces'  from '.obj' file

     3.1.2, Extract all 'curves' from '.yml' file
           sharp: true;   
           type: Bspline/line/Cycle; 
           vert_indices: Contains all the vertex indexes that belong to the curve. (each Groundtruth curve from ABC Dataset)
     Note that in our work, we only consider sharp curve ('sharp: true'). A non-sharp curve ('sharp: false') provided in the '.yml' file, which is not in our consideration.

     3.1.3, Determine open/closed 
        Through observation, we find that the sharp curve is likely to be a closed curve when the start point and the end point coincide. Similarly, when the start and end     point do not coincide, there is a high probability of an open curve.

        This is not absolute. Sometimes a closed curve, such as a circle, is made up of two so-called open curves (two semi-circles). In this case, we will recombine the two open curves to form a completely closed curve.

        In addition, there are cases where a closed curve consists of multiple open curves. In this case, because it's time consuming to deal with, we also filter out these kinds of models

     3.1.4, Original model groundtruth generation:
        Vertices: All the Vertices in the original model
        Faces: All the Faces in the original model
        All_sharp_curves_cell: Which vertices belong to the same curve, and each curve is open or closed curve. All of these vertices, which we call 'edge points'. If a curve is an open curve, its start and end points are called 'corner points'.
        Edge_points_ori:  Contains all of the Edge points.
        Corner_points_ori:  Contains all the corner points

4, Downsample
   4.1, Dense_sample_points:  Based on the area of the triangular face, 100,000 points are sampled for each model;
   4.2, Sparse_sample_points ('down_sample_point'):  Using the Farthest Point Sampling (FPS) algorithm to sample 8096 points from 100,000 points.

5, Annotation transfer

   5.1 edge points transfer:   
       Edge_points_now ('PC_8096_edge_points_label_bin'): For each edge points (Edge_points_ori) in the original model, find a nearest neighbor from the 8096 sampling points (Sparse_sample_points).
       Edge_points_residual_vector ('PC_8096_edge_points_norm'):  The residual vector between these two points (Edge_points_now, Edge_points_ori).

   5.2 corner points transfer: 
       Corner_point_now ('corner_points_label'): For each corner point (Corner_points_ori) in the original model, find a nearest neighbor from the 8096 sampling points (Sparse_sample_points).
       Corner_point_residual_vector: The residual vector between these two points (Corner_point_now,Corner_points_ori).

   5.3 sharp curves transfer: Similar to 3.1, 3.2.
       The curve type (Line/Circle/Bspline) is the same.

For Stage_2:

PC_8096_edge_points_label_bin: which points in the point cloud are edge points;
corner_points_label: which points in the point cloud are corner points;

For each grountruth curve (1.2, vert_indices) from ABC, if it is open curve, then:

 open_gt_pair_idx: index of two endpoints of each open curve; (For the two endpoints of GT curve, find a nearest neighbor among 8096 sampling points, and its index is used as the index of the open curve)
 open_gt_type: Curve type of each open curve (arc/B-spline/line) 
 open_gt_res: Residuals between the two endpoints and GT endpoints.  (Because there is a slight deviation between the endpoints in the input point cloud and the endpoints of the GT curve.)
 open_gt_sample_points:64 points were sampled for each GT open curve. 

For closed curve:

 closed_gt_type: Curve type of each closed curve (In this paper, we include only circles)
 closed_gt_sample_points: 64 points were sampled for each GT closed curve.


There are seven versions of our approach, including a main version (8096 points Input), and six versions of the stress test, include: Noise (+0.01, +0.02, +0.05) and Sparse (1024, 2048, 4096) .

In each version, we provided pre-trained models ('.\main\stage_1_log...') and test data ('.\main\test_data...').

In the main version, the test data we provided included two parts : 1, ABC dataset ('.\model\test_data\101.mat', '102.mat') with GT. 2, Novel Categories ('.\model\test_data\135.mat', '136.mat', '137.mat') without GT.

In other versions, we only provided the ABC Dataset as test data. Also, in the main version, we provide training samples ('.\model\train_data'), if you want to retrain the model ('Python train_stage_12.py --stage=1').

We provide the pre-trained model in folder ('.\main\stage_1_log...'). To evaluate the model, you need to put the test point clouds ('.mat' format) in the folder '.\main\test_data...'


to train edge and corner points detection    
cd main
python train_stage_12.py --stage=1


to test edge and corner points detection    
cd main
python test_stage_12.py --stage=1

Stage 2 training data generation

The file '/stage2/main/Gen_stage2_train_data_all.m' that can be used to generate training data for Stage2. Taking the data we provided as an example, you only need to test all the training data './ train_data/xxx.mat' with the trained Stage1 network and get the corresponding output './test_result/test_pre_xxx.mat'. Then, the training data for Stage2 (./train_data_2_1/xxx.mat) can be generated using the file 'Gen_stage2_train_data_all.m' .

Note that the generation of the training data for Stage2 depends on the nine ground truth items (corner_points_label, open_gt_pair_idx, open_gt_type, open_gt_res) in './train_data/xxx.mat'; Therefore, if you are using your own data to generate Stage2 training samples, you will need to provide the following nine data items:

PC_8096_edge_points_label_bin: which points in the point cloud are edge points;
corner_points_label: which points in the point cloud are corner points;
open_gt_pair_idx: index of two endpoints of each open curve;
open_gt_type: Curve type of each open curve (arc/B-spline/line)
open_gt_res: Residuals between the two endpoints and GT endpoints.
open_gt_sample_points:64 points were sampled for each GT open curve. (Because there is a slight deviation between the endpoints in the input point cloud and the endpoints of the GT curve.)
closed_gt_type: Curve type of each closed curve (In this paper, we include only circles)
closed_gt_sample_points: 64 points were sampled for each GT closed curve.

Train_stage2 (./Stage2/main/)

python train_stage_2.py --stage=1

Test_stage2 (./Stage2/main/)

python test_stage_2.py --stage=1


visualization.m: This file is used to visualize the detection results.
Vis_closed_final.m (./stage2/main/): this file is used for closed curve detection post-precessing
Vis_open_final.m (./stage2/main/): this file is used for open curve detection post-precessing

Comparison with EC-Net

The following is the complete process of generating training samples(EC-NET)using ABC data (see Figure 4 in EC-NET paper):

1, Extract the mesh information from the existing file(see Figure 4 (a))

1.1, Extract all 'vertices', 'faces' from '.obj' file

1.2, Extract all 'curves' from '.yml' file Fields:
sharp: true;
type: Bspline/line/Cycle; vert_indices: Contains all the vertex indexes that belong to the curve Note that in our work, we only consider sharp curve ('sharp: true'). A non-sharp curve ('sharp: false') provided in the '.yml' file, which is not in our consideration.

1.3, For EC-NET annotated edges (see Figure 4 (b)) 'faces': N_f9; each facet is represented by three vertices 'vertices':N_v3; (x,y,z) 'curves' : N_c*6; each 'curve' is made up of a large number of small line segments, each represented by two 'vertices'

1.4, point cloud sampling (see Figure 4 (c))

1.4.1,'Dense_sample_points' : According to 'Vertices' and 'Faces' (based on the area of the triangular face) , 100,000 points are sampled for each model; 1.4.2, 'Sparse_sample_points' : Using the Farthest Point Sampling (FPS) algorithm to sample 8096 points from 100,000 points.

1.5, generate EC-NET training data (see Figure 4 (d) (e))

Finally, using the above entries ('faces', 'vertices', 'curves', 'Sparse_sample_points') as input, you can generate the training data using the '../code/prepare_data.py' file provided by EC-Net.