A testbench of Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms.
- HPL(The High Performance Linpack)
- HPL.dat: the config file of HPL
- Make.test: the makefile config to compile HPL
- single_operator_test
- Level-1.c: the level-1 testbench of BLAS
- Level-2.c: the level-2 testbench of BLAS
- Level-3.c: the level-3 testbench of BLAS
Download and compile: Openmpi, gcc, gfortran
Download and compile HPL
move make.test to HPL files
specify the path of make.test ((your optimized OpenBLAS / OpenMPI / HPL path) in make.test
make arch=test
cd HPL/test/bin: config the HPL.dat and run
mpirun -allow-run-as-root -np 4 ./xhpl > result.txt
Specify the dynamic link path of cblas.h (your optimized OpenBLAS) in every C code.
#include "/root/openblas/pre_openblas/include/cblas.h"
run the code