
FastAPI backend enterprise template

Primary LanguagePython

FastAPI enterprise backend template

fastapi+async sqlalchemy, support both mysql/postgres/sqlite backed, use postgresql as default.


  • Template repository
  • Class-based view decrator for better code structure and reduce the duplicated code.
  • Sqlalchemy 2.0 with asyncpg integration, with well type annotations and autocompletion support.
  • Generic CRUD repository class for very easy and fast restapi development, provide good support for type hint and user friendly error message for database.
  • Create and apply almebic migration
  • Jwt authentication with access token and refresh token.
  • Run app with Uvicorn/Gunicorn with well tuned configuration
  • Rye for python package and dependencies management.
  • Unified error message and format management
  • pre-commit hooks/ruff/typo for static code check
  • Basic user/group/role management with crud api.
  • Flexible RBAC management
  • x-request-id/x-request-time middleware
  • x-request-id in log message for tracing
  • sqlalchemy costom types and mixins: GUID/EncryptString/AuditLogMixin
  • I18N support
  • dockerfile and docker-compose support


1. Create repository from a template

See docs.

2. Install dependencies with Rye

cd your_project_name
rye sync

Note, be sure to use python3.12 with this template with either rye or standard venv & pip, if you need to stick to some earlier python version, you should adapt it yourself (change .python-version to the version you want and update pyproject.toml requires-python = "<= 3.x")

3. Setup .env and database

### Setup env, change the ENV as you need
mv .env.example .env
### Setup database
docker-compose up -d

### Run Alembic migrations
alembic upgrade head

4. Now you can run app

### And this is it:
python3 src/__main__.py
### or run app directly as you wish
uvicorn src.app:app --reload

You should then use git init (if needed) to initialize git repository and access OpenAPI spec at http://localhost:8000/ by default. To customize docs url, cors and allowed hosts settings, see src/core/config.py options

5. Activate pre-commit

pre-commit is de facto standard now for pre push activities like isort or black or its nowadays replacement ruff.

Refer to .pre-commit-config.yaml file to see my current opinionated choices.

# Install pre-commit
pre-commit install --install-hooks

# Run on all files
pre-commit run --all-files

6. Running tests

Note, it will create databases for session and run tests in many processes by default (using pytest-xdist) to speed up execution, based on how many CPU are available in environment.

For more details about initial database setup, see logic tests/conftest.py file, fixture_setup_new_test_database function.

# see all pytest configuration flags in pyproject.toml

Project structures

├── __init__.py
├── __main__.py                             # uvicorn/gunicorn start entry
├── app.py                                  # fastapi app
├── core
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── _types.py                           # project reusable types
│   ├── config.py                           # project configuration files
│   ├── database                            # database utils
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── engine.py                       # sqlalchemy engine configuration
│   │   ├── session.py                      # sqlalchemy async session
│   │   └── types                           # sqlalchemy custom types
│   │       ├── __init__.py
│   │       ├── annotated.py
│   │       ├── datetime.py
│   │       ├── encrypted_string.py
│   │       ├── enum.py
│   │       └── guid.py
│   ├── errors                              # unified errors
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── _error.py
│   │   ├── auth_exceptions.py
│   │   └── base_exceptions.py
│   ├── models                              # ORM model
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── base.py                         # sqlalchemy ORM Base
│   │   └── mixins                          # sqlalchemy mixins
│   │       ├── __init__.py
│   │       ├── audit_log.py
│   │       ├── audit_time.py
│   │       └── audit_user.py
│   ├── repositories                        # Sqlachemy db Generic CRUD class, will suite with pydantic model
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   └── repository.py
│   └── utils                               # project utils
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── cbv.py
│       ├── context.py
│       ├── i18n.py
│       ├── processors.py
│       ├── singleton.py
│       ├── translations.py
│       └── validators.py
├── deps.py                                 # auth and other fastapi dependencies
├── features                                # features entry, development here
│   └── admin
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── api.py
│       ├── consts.py
│       ├── models.py
│       ├── schemas.py
│       ├── security.py
│       ├── services.py
│       └── utils.py
├── libs                                    # external system sdk
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── rabbitmq
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   ├── client.py
│   │   └── session.py
│   └── redis
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── cache.py
│       ├── rate_limiter.py
│       └── redis.py
├── loggers.py
├── openapi.py
├── py.typed
└── register
    ├── __init__.py
    ├── middlewares.py
    └── routers.py
tests/                                      # pytest entry
├── __init__.py
├── admin
│   └── __init__.py
├── conftest.py
├── factories.py
└── test_01_main.py

Step by step examples

coming soon