
a simple springboot demo with some components for example: redis,solr,rockmq and so on.

Primary LanguageJava


a simple springboot demo with some components for example: redis,solr,rockmq and so on.


Module name Module name Module description docs status
1 demo springboot with web CN / EN done
2 redis springboot with redis CN / EN done
3 hanlp springboot with hanlp CN / EN done
4 mysql springboot with mysql CN / EN done
5 minio springboot with minio CN / EN done
6 elasticsearch springboot with elasticsearch CN / EN done
7 rocketmq springboot with rocketmq CN / EN done
8 graylog springboot with graylog CN / EN done
9 mongodb springboot with mongodb CN / EN done
10 prometheus springboot with prometheus CN / EN done
11 kafaka springboot with kafaka CN / EN done
12 nacos springboot with nacos CN / EN done
13 xxl-job springboot with xxl-job CN / EN done
14 email springboot with email CN / EN done
15 logback springboot with logback CN / EN done
16 docker springboot with docker CN / EN done
17 flyway springboot with flyway CN / EN done
18 webSocket springboot with WebSocket CN / EN done
19 neo4j springboot with Neo4j CN / EN done
20 flink springboot with flink CN / EN done
21 graalvm-js springboot with graalvm-js CN / EN done
22 python springboot with python CN / EN done
23 hazelcast springboot with hazelcast CN / EN done
24 mapstruct springboot with mapstruct CN / EN done
25 jpa springboot with jpa CN / EN done
26 mybatis-plus springboot with mybatis-plus CN / EN done
27 quartz springboot with quartz CN / EN done
28 rabbitmq springboot with rabbitmq CN / EN done
29 session springboot with session CN / EN done
30 test springboot with test CN / EN done
31 oauth2 springboot with oauth2 CN / EN todo
32 swagger springboot with swagger CN / EN todo
33 druid springboot with druid CN / EN todo
34 ldap springboot with ldap CN / EN todo
35 zookeeper springboot with zookeeper CN / EN todo
36 activiti springboot with activiti CN / EN todo
37 async springboot with async CN / EN todo
38 dubbo springboot with dubbo CN / EN todo
39 dynamic-datasource springboot with dynamic-datasource CN / EN todo
40 https springboot with https CN / EN done
41 Spring-security springboot with security CN / EN todo
42 shiro springboot with shiro CN / EN todo
43 sharding-jdbc springboot with sharding-jdbc CN / EN todo
44 freemaker springboot with freemaker CN / EN todo
45 thymeleaf springboot with thymeleaf CN / EN todo
46 hystrix springboot with hystrix CN / EN todo
47 eureka springboot with eureka CN / EN todo
48 config springboot with config CN / EN todo
49 azkaban springboot with azkaban CN / EN todo
50 Captcha springboot with Captcha CN / EN done
51 SpringRetry springboot with SpringRetry CN / EN done
52 netty springboot with netty CN / EN done
53 spring boot starter springboot with starter CN / EN done
54 debezium springboot with debezium CN / EN done
55 qrcode springboot with qrcode CN / EN done
56 easypoi springboot with easypoi CN / EN done
57 api-version springboot with api-version CN / EN done
58 jwt springboot with jwt CN / EN done
59 JSch springboot with JSch CN / EN done
60 atomikos springboot with atomikos CN / EN done
61 fastdfs springboot with fastdfs CN / EN done
62 Chronicle Queue springboot with Chronicle Queue CN / EN done
63 hikari springboot with hikari CN / EN done
64 itextpdf springboot with itextpdf CN / EN done
65 disruptor springboot with disruptor CN / EN done
66 zipkin springboot with zipkin CN / EN done
67 ContentNegotiation springboot with ContentNegotiation CN / EN done
68 GraphQL springboot with GraphQL CN / EN done
69 postgres springboot with postgres CN / EN done
70 webflux springboot with webflux CN / EN done
71 poster springboot with poster CN / EN todo
72 AI springboot with AI CN / EN done


if you need some components to integrate with Srping Boot,tell me ,I will help you! you can also leave a message in issues.
