
Acoustic wave simulation via kokkos

Primary LanguageC++


Download this app

git clone --recursive https://github.com/wangyf/acoustic_kokkos

How to build ?


  • cmake version 3.16

  • note: if you are on a fairly recent OS (ex: Ubuntu 21.10, or any OS using glibc >= 2.34), you may need to turn off linking with libdl when using kokkos/cuda backend. See this issue, as nvcc (even version 11.6) apparently doesn't seem to handle empty file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdl.a (stub, libdl is integrated into glibc). Hopefully this will be solved in an upcoming cuda release.

# run this to know your glibc version
ldd --version

Data Preparation

  1. In build_xxx, create directories: in/ and out/
  2. Copy the input velocity structure (heterogeneous) into the in/
  3. All output .csv will be stored in out/

Build with target device OpenMP

mkdir build_openmp
cd build_openmp
# then you can run the application

Optionnally you can enable HWLOC by passing -DKokkos_ENABLE_HWLOC=ON on cmake's command line (or in ccmake curse gui).

Build with target device CUDA

CMake and Kokkos will set the compiler to nvcc_wrapper (located in kokkos sources, cloned as git submodule).

mkdir build_cuda
cd build_cuda
# then you can run the application as before

Of course, you will need to adapt variable Kokkos_ARCH to your actual GPU architecture (use cuda sample device_query to probe the architecture).

Depending on your OS, you may need to set variable Kokkos_CUDA_DIR to point to your CUDA SDK (if cmake is not able to figure out by itself); e.g. /usr/local/cuda-9.0

Build with target device HIP (AMD GPU)

CMake and Kokkos will set the compiler to hipcc (located in kokkos sources, cloned as git submodule).


mkdir build_hip
cd build_hip
cmake -DKokkos_ENABLE_HIP=ON -DKokkos_ARCH_VEGA908=ON ..
# then you can run the application as before

Example complish options:

Please read compile.sh

Animation example
