git clone --recursive
cmake version 3.16
note: if you are on a fairly recent OS (ex: Ubuntu 21.10, or any OS using glibc >= 2.34), you may need to turn off linking with libdl when using kokkos/cuda backend. See this issue, as nvcc (even version 11.6) apparently doesn't seem to handle empty file
(stub, libdl is integrated into glibc). Hopefully this will be solved in an upcoming cuda release.
# run this to know your glibc version
ldd --version
- In build_xxx, create directories: in/ and out/
- Copy the input velocity structure (heterogeneous) into the in/
- All output .csv will be stored in out/
mkdir build_openmp
cd build_openmp
# then you can run the application
Optionnally you can enable HWLOC by passing -DKokkos_ENABLE_HWLOC=ON on cmake's command line (or in ccmake curse gui).
CMake and Kokkos will set the compiler to nvcc_wrapper
(located in kokkos sources, cloned as git submodule).
mkdir build_cuda
cd build_cuda
# then you can run the application as before
Of course, you will need to adapt variable Kokkos_ARCH to your actual GPU architecture (use cuda sample device_query to probe the architecture).
Depending on your OS, you may need to set variable Kokkos_CUDA_DIR to point to your CUDA SDK (if cmake is not able to figure out by itself); e.g. /usr/local/cuda-9.0
CMake and Kokkos will set the compiler to hipcc
(located in kokkos sources, cloned as git submodule).
mkdir build_hip
cd build_hip
cmake -DKokkos_ENABLE_HIP=ON -DKokkos_ARCH_VEGA908=ON ..
# then you can run the application as before
Please read