
compearth: surfacevel2strain and momenttensor

Primary LanguageMathematicaMIT LicenseMIT

compearth ("computational earth") contains two projects
contact: Carl Tape, University of Alaska Fairbanks, ctape@alaska.edu

download the zipped file or try this command:
git clone https://github.com/carltape/compearth

[1] momenttensor
contains scripts (Matlab, Mathematica, GMT) for plotting and interpreting full moment tensors. These scripts supplement the following publications:
W. Tape and C. Tape
A geometric setting for moment tensors, GJI 2012
A geometric comparison of source-type plots for moment tensors, GJI 2012
Angle between principal axis triples, GJI 2012
The classical model for moment tensors, GJI 2013
A uniform parameterization of moment tensors, GJI 2015

[2] surfacevel2strain
uses spherical wavelets to estimate scalar and vector fields on the surface of a sphere. The practical applications include (1) constructing a smooth topographic surface from discrete scalar observations (for example, a Moho map from a set of receiver functions); (2) constructing a smooth strain-rate map from a set of discrete GPS vector observations on the Earth's surface. Reference: Tape, Muse, Simons, Dong, Webb, "Multiscale estimation of GPS velocity fields," Geophysical Journal International, 2009.