Multi-dimensional earthquake cycle simulation code based on Boundary Element Method with H-matrices.
2D and 3D planar/nonplanar faults in a full/half space
Rectangular and triangular meshes for 3D problems (require .stl mesh file for triangular mesh)
Rate-State friction law
Quasi-dynamic approximation using radiation-damping term
Hybrid MPI/open-MP parallelization
See Documentation_for_HBI.pdf for more information.
This software is freely available under the MIT license. If you write a paper using this code, please cite the following paper:
So Ozawa, Akihiro Ida, Tetsuya Hoshino, Ryosuke Ando (2023), "Large-scale earthquake sequence simulations of 3D geometrically complex faults using the boundary element method accelerated by lattice H-matrices", Geophysical Journal International,232 (3), 1471-1481