#Purpose As a developer, if you want to continue this job, you need to train yourself continuously. The mobile and social is the current and also the future, just challenge yourself.

#What's the app like?

  1. Simple.apk, can install/uninstall on my phone. - DONE
  2. A window, a tab, when push the tab, show the "hello world" whereever. - DONE
  3. And a tab, to close/exit the app. - DONE

The first app just do as simple as you can, even not have to write a line of code. Let's see how fun it is, and how fast leanring you are.

For foucus on the task itself, the first app just need be able to run on my phone, if need code writing, use Eclipse on windows.

In case you are too lazy or forget about this task, I'll put daily trace here.

  • 24 Oct - prepare the necessary tool and sdk for develop the app, install them - DONE - Not really done. - Done at 28 Oct.
  • 25-26 Oct - Follow the wizard to build an empty app, load on the phonea - Not done. Have issue about downloading sdk from google - Done at 28 Oct
  • 28 Oct - Should catch up. Should find some way to have reliable connection to google; update jdk, run the app from emulator and phone success.
  • 29 Oct - know the architecture of the project, a button with name.
  • 30 Oct - the button to exit. - DONE
  • 31 Oct - the button to show "hello world" - DONE at 30 Oct

#Conclusion: Not just coding, also about design.