
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started

Follow the instructions to setup and run the Walmart API tool on http://localhost:3000:

  1. NPM install - Frontend
  • Make sure Node version 6.2.0 or higher is installed on your computer
  • cd into /walmart_api
  • Run npm install
  1. Start the React development server
  • Finally, cd into /walmart_api
  • Run npm start
  • This sets up the React dev server on http://localhost:3000.
    • The proxy line in /walmart_api/package.json specifies that requests will be made to http://localhost:3001 which points to the backend server we started running in the previous step
  1. Open http://localhost:3000 in Google Chrome to use the app if it hasn't opened already

How to run locally:

  • Follow all instructions under Getting Started
  • Open project in your text editor
  • Changes to frontend files should trigger an auto-reload

Running Gulp to compile Sass:

  • While in /walmart_api, run gulp in the terminal
  • Gulp will automatically listen for changes in *.scss files and compile the changes

Debugging the server:

  • IF you want to debug the server, use Node version 7.10.1 (node-inspector has trouble attaching debuggers with other versions of Node)
  • While in /walmart_api/backend, run npm run debug-start in the terminal
  • In Google Chrome, type in "about:inspect" in address bar
  • Click on Open dedicated DevTools for Node
  • In Sources tab, search for files and set your breakpoints!

Technologies Used

  • Postgres
  • Node.js + Express
  • Knex.js
  • Gulp
  • React
  • Material UI (React component library)