Applications of Machine Learning in Fixed Income factor investing - finding the proper model and explanatory variables for deriving the Value factor.
Completed on 27th of November as final project for "Machine Learning" course at Software University (Sep - Nov 2020)
- course 3 of 4 of "Artificial Intelligence" specialization
- Factor Investing in Fixed Income Credit - Background
- Project aim and specifications - academic research, defining the Value factor
- Investment Universe - Selection Process
- Pre-processing Data
- Explanatory Data Analysis
- Data Transformations
- Data Split
- Models Training & Selection
- Linear Regression
- Polynomial Regression
- Decision Trees & Random Forests
- Models Fine-tuning & Improvements
- Polynomial Regression
- K-fold Cross Validation
- Lasso Regularization
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
- Random Forests
- Grid Search with K-fold Cross Validation
- Gradient Boosting Regressor
- Polynomial Regression
- Final Model Evaluation on the Test Set
- Conclusions & Further Research
"Machine Learning" course at Software University covers the following topics (4-hour live Lectures + Labs):
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Linear and Logistic Regression
- Model Training and Improvement
- Tree and Ensemble Methods
- Support Vector Machines
- Clustering
- Dimensionality Reduction
- Introduction to Neural Networks
- Exam Preparation: End-to-end Project
- Course Summary
- Time Series Analysis - additional
- Model Deployment - additional
Repository with all live exercises & homework done for the course: