
PHP client library for the Coviu API

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coviu-php-sdk - Coviu api php client library

Coviu provides a session based API for creating and restricting access to coviu calls. The core concepts exposed are

  • Session: A coviu call that occurs between two or more parties at a specified time, and has a finite duration.
  • Participants: Users who may participate in a coviu call.

Participants join a call by following a session link in their browser, or mobile app. The session link identifies the participant, including their name, optional avatar, and importantly their role. As such, it is important that each person joining the call be issued a different session link, i.e. have a distinct participant created for them. A participant's role identifies whether that user may access the call directly, or if they are required the be let in by an existing participant.

coviu-php-sdk exposes this functionality through a convenient php library.


composer require coviu/Api

If you are not using composer in your application, still run the above command, which creates a vendor directory. Then commit the vendor directory into your codebase. You can get composer from https://getcomposer.org/download/ .


Setup the sdk by passing in your api key and key secret

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
use coviu\Api\Coviu;

$api_key = 'my_api_key_from_coviu.com';
$api_key_secret = 'my_api_key_secret';

$coviu = new Coviu('api_key', 'key_secret');

Schedule a session for the future.


$session = array(
  'session_name' => 'A test session with Dr. Who',
  'start_time' => (new \DateTime())->format(\DateTime::ATOM),
  'end_time' => (new \DateTime())->modify('+1 hour')->format(\DateTime::ATOM),
  'picture' => 'http://www.fillmurray.com/200/300'

$session = $coviu->sessions->createSession($session);

Example output

array(8) {
  string(36) "bc5f47f1-f990-4d4d-a332-d3aa27ce6b76"
  string(36) "440ee0f6-f99a-4515-ad15-da67dc29b0fc"
  array(0) {
  string(36) "6a157415-55cd-45a4-a82f-cd78b52e67b3"
  string(27) "A test session with Dr. Who"
  string(24) "2016-06-18T12:37:59.000Z"
  string(24) "2016-06-18T13:37:59.000Z"
  string(33) "http://www.fillmurray.com/200/300"

$coviu->sessions->* is a collection of functions that build requests that can be run against the api.

You can now add a participant to the session

$host = array(
  'display_name' => 'Dr. Who',
  'role' => 'host', // or 'guest'
  'picture' => 'http://fillmurray.com/200/300',
  'state' => 'test-state'

$participant = $coviu->sessions->addParticipant($session['session_id'], $host);

Example output

array(8) {
  string(36) "440ee0f6-f99a-4515-ad15-da67dc29b0fc"
  string(7) "Dr. Who"
  string(62) "https://coviu.com/session/af1f3606-dfbf-4728-b3ca-8f099ca9024a"
  string(36) "af1f3606-dfbf-4728-b3ca-8f099ca9024a"
  string(29) "http://fillmurray.com/200/300"
  string(4) "HOST"
  string(36) "6de7f062-f6db-4253-93b3-8f45445ce2d9"
  string(10) "test-state"

Notice the entry_url for the newly created participant. Following this url in a browser or in one of the coviu mobile apps between start_time and end_time (while the session is active), will join the participant into the session, assuming the role and identity provided.

We can now read the entire session structure back

$sessions = $coviu->sessions->getSessions();



Example output

array(8) {
  string(36) "bc5f47f1-f990-4d4d-a332-d3aa27ce6b76"
  string(36) "440ee0f6-f99a-4515-ad15-da67dc29b0fc"
  array(1) {
    array(8) {
      string(36) "440ee0f6-f99a-4515-ad15-da67dc29b0fc"
      string(7) "Dr. Who"
      string(62) "https://coviu.com/session/15142b66-7e26-4c49-a232-bc4aa1126aff"
      string(36) "15142b66-7e26-4c49-a232-bc4aa1126aff"
      string(29) "http://fillmurray.com/200/300"
      string(4) "HOST"
      string(36) "7ec15ff3-87f9-4ec9-9484-6029d5da56a6"
      string(10) "test-state"
  string(36) "7ec15ff3-87f9-4ec9-9484-6029d5da56a6"
  string(27) "A test session with Dr. Who"
  string(24) "2016-06-19T09:32:26.000Z"
  string(24) "2016-06-19T10:32:26.000Z"
  string(33) "http://www.fillmurray.com/200/300"

There's a full set of api documents provided with api source for the coviu-sdk-api npm module at /src/SessionApi.php