
This Gradle plugin converts Markdown files into PDF files

Primary LanguageGroovy

Markdown-to-PDF Plugin

This Plugin Converts a Markdown-File to a PDF-File based on the flexmark-plugin. To use this Plugin you can use:

buildscript {
  repositories {
		maven {
			url 'https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/'
  dependencies {
		classpath 'gradle.plugin.de.fntsoftware.gradle:markdown-to-pdf:1.1.0'

apply plugin: 'de.fntsoftware.gradle.markdown-to-pdf'


It is possible to create own tasks with input and output files. The input file will be converted from Markdown-File to PDF-File. Optionally you can configure a path for your own CSS-File. If no path is configured, a default CSS-File is used. For all Markdown-Files in the build.gradle directory are already default tasks with the output in the build directory.

	cssFile = 'PATH/TO/CSSFILE.css'
task exampleTask1(type: MarkdownToPdfTask){
	inputFile = '/PATH/TO/README.md'
	outputFile = '/PATH/TO/README.pdf'

task exampleTask2(type: MarkdownToPdfTask){
	inputFile = '/PATH/TO/CHANGELOG.md'
	outputFile = '/PATH/TO/CHANGELOG.pdf'

task exampleTask3(type: MarkdownToHtmlTask){
	inputFile = '/PATH/TO/CHANGELOG.md'
	outputFile = '/PATH/TO/CHANGELOG.html'

Adding Parser Options

By default, no parser options are set. To add parser options, you will need to create a task to use the setOption() function.

import com.vladsch.flexmark.ext.tables.TablesExtension
import com.vladsch.flexmark.parser.Parser


dependencies {
	classpath 'com.vladsch.flexmark:flexmark-ext-tables:0.34.52'

task exampleTaskSetParserOption(type: MarkdownToHtmlTask){
	inputFile = '/PATH/TO/CHANGELOG.md'
	outputFile = '/PATH/TO/CHANGELOG.html'
	setOption(Parser.EXTENSIONS, Arrays.asList(TablesExtension.create()))

In the above example, the TablesExtension is added. So you will need to import the correct packages and dependencies into your build.gradle.

Default tasks

Directory Layout Example:

- example
	-- build.gradle
	-- README.md

Here the task "readmeToPdf" will create

- example
	-- build.gradle
	-- README.md
	-- build

Here the task "readmeToHtml" will create

- example
	-- build.gradle
	-- README.md
	-- build

Additionally there are buildPdf and buildHtml tasks that build all markdown files.