Modeling Microbial Community Coalescence via Compositional Directed Acyclic Graphical Models

Author Contributions Checklist Form



Our real data analysis consists of two datasets.

  • Female Genital Tract 16S RNA Data:microbial 16S RNA data in women's cervix of uterus and vagina from the Human Microbiome Project 2, which can be accessed via the R package HMP2Data, as a part of the multi-omic microbiome study, pregnancy initiative (MOMS-PI).
  • Oral and Stool Microbiome Data:16S rRNA sequences of longitudinal fecal and oral samples from 97 patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) receiving induction chemotherapy.


Yes, the data to replicate our results is available (we have included it with the submission).


The two datasets are provided in the directory /data and are respectively included in the sub-directory /data/realdata_moms_pi and /data/realdata_aml. Please see the in directory /data for detail.



The code provided includes the main code to conduct the compDAG method.


  • 02-1coalescence.stan: stan file to conduct posterior sampling for causal direction $y_1 \rightarrow y_2$ ot $y_2 \rightarrow y_1$.
  • 02-2nocausal.stan: stan file to conduct posterior sampling if there is no causal relationship between $y_1$ and $y_2$.
  • 02compDAG.R :R file to conduct compDAG method.
  • 00load_all.E : R file to load all the required packages and functions.
  • 03bQCD.R: R file to conduct bQCD method.
  • main.R: R file to conduct simulation studies in the paper.
  • PARAMS.R R file to read parameter settings from bash file.

Instructions for Use


All the figures and tables in the article can be reproduced (i.e.Figures 1-2,Tables 1-6 and Table S.1).

We provided the results of intermediate output in the directory /output to avoid having to rerun computationally-intensive steps of the workflow. You can reproduce these intermediate results by following the instructions in in the directory /output.

How to reproduce analyses (e.g., workflow information, makefile, wrapper scripts)

  • Table 1-4 and Table S.2-3 run: “table1-4_S.2-3_code.R”
  • Table 5 run: “table5_code.R”
  • Table 6 run: “table6_code.R”
  • Table S.1 run: “tableS1_code.R”
  • Figure 1-2 and Figure S.1-2 run: “figure1-2_S.1-2_code.R”
  • Figure 3 run: “figure3_code.R”
  • Figure 4 run: “figure4_code.R”