Set-up and Installation


- Python 3.8

Clone the Repo

Run the following command on the terminal:

Create a Virtual Environment

Run the following commands in the same terminal:

sudo apt-get install python3.8-venv
python3.8 -m venv virtual
source virtual/bin/activate

Install dependancies

Install dependancies that will create an environment for the app to run pip install -r requirements

Run Database Migrations

python makemigrations
python migrate

Running the app in development

In the same terminal type: python3 server

Open the browser on http://localhost:8000/


  1. Only one customer is created from one potential lead
  2. A lead_creator(One who creates the lead) only creates leads and nothing else
  3. A customer_creator(One who turn leads into customers) only creates customers from leads and nothing else

REST API endpoints:

/api/user/ (GET, POST) - get all products or create a new user and obtain a token to use during login

/api/login (POST) - authenticate user

api/lead_conversion/ (GET, POST) - get all leads or create a new lead

api/lead_conversion/:id (GET, PUT, DELETE) - get, update or delete a specific lead by its id

api/customer_creation/ (GET, POST) - get all customers or create a new customer from a lead /api/products/ (GET, POST) - get all products or create a new product