
A website where real estate agents looking to market their houses can display them and users looking to rent or buy houses can book appointments to view the houses on display

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This is the Flask module Group project for Moringa Core.


A website where real estate agents looking to market their houses can display them and users looking to rent or buy houses can book appointments to view the houses on display

Features/User Stories

  • The website allows users to view various listings based on categories.
  • An agent can upload a listing
  • An agent caan set time appointments for users to view listed listings
  • Agents can create accounts and sign in for them to list houses.
  • Users can book appointments to view listings

Behavior Driven Development

Behavior Input Output
View all listings based on various \categories Default Home Page
Click on a category to see listings
Displays all listingss
Register as a user Click register on the navbar Redirects to registration page to sign up
Log in as a user Click on log in Redirects to log in page
Update your Profile Click on Profile Redirects to profile page where you can update your bio and profile picture
Upload a listing Click on Upload listingon the navbar Redirects to listings form page where you may create a new listing
Book appointment to view Listing Click on Book View button when logged in Creates a new booking appointment

View Live Site here

View the complete site here

Technologies Used

- Python 3.6
- Flask Framework
- HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- Postgressql
- Heroku

Set-up and Installation

1. Clone or download the Repo
2. Create a virtual environment:
    sudo apt-get install python3.6-venv
    python3.6 -m venv virtual source virtual/bin/activate
3. Read the specs and requirements files and Install all the requirements.
4. Install dependancies that will create an environment for the app to run:
    pip3 install -r requirements
5. Edit the start.sh file to prepare your environment variables:
    export DATABASE_URL='postgresql+psycopg2://username:password@localhost/pitchit'
    export SECRET_KEY='Your secret key'
    export MAIL_USERNAME='Your email'
    export MAIL_PASSWORD='Your email password'
6. Run database migrations:
    python manage.py db init
    python manage.py db migrate -m "initial migration"
    python manage.py db upgrade
7. Run chmod a+x start.py
8. Run ./start.py
9. Access the application through `localhost:5000`


Yet to complete all tests for each model class. If you have ideas you may contribute to this project.

Known bugs

No known bugs so far. If found drop me an email.


- Sophia Murage
- Clifford Kasera
- Wanjiru Nganga
- Adiela Abishua