- 0
- 10
Transform runs multiple times in nested array
#77 opened by jxeeno - 1
Found a possible security concern
#92 opened by JamieSlome - 0
- 6
Including parent items in arrays
#50 opened by RJFoster - 0
Submapping or mapping with in a map
#94 opened by tmorford - 1
Question: keys with the same name
#91 opened by Ali-sharafi-git - 4
object mapper returns array with empty object when using transform function
#86 opened by martijnsmitt - 4
- 2
How can I add async code in a transform ?
#79 opened by walshe - 1
- 2
Multi-level array values into a single array
#88 opened by tony-oldport - 0
- 1
- 7
Nullable value into an empty array
#84 opened by othke - 2
Add a section with examples
#67 opened by BarryRufer - 3
- 0
Incorrect parameter list of transform functions
#82 opened by toandv - 1
IE11 - Const must be initialized
#75 opened by liamjohannes - 1
Dates not being transform proper
#81 opened by gitricko - 0
- 14
Problem with array of array
#29 opened - 3
Changelog about major version 6 ?
#74 opened by ouraios - 0
- 3
mapping array of objects
#68 opened by patb23 - 0
Mapper on version 6 behaves differently
#69 opened by bamanuel - 0
If there is a default specified which is null or '', the default key should be written out
#65 opened by switzer - 2
- 1
If the map specifies an array and the underlying data is an object, it should be presented as an array
#64 opened by switzer - 3
- 5
Missing fromObject creates empty object
#48 opened by alemures - 2
- 1
Support for boolean values
#37 opened by Gothbag - 0
- 0
input from two attributes in transform object
#56 opened by gc1508 - 1
null as forced default value
#39 opened by nagarajanchinnasamy - 4
The reverse
#30 opened by albertossilva - 4
Feature request - wildcards
#20 opened by NFNChris - 0
Adding syntax support for destination->source
#45 opened by MxAshUp - 1
Mapping source key properties with "."
#33 opened by jlulloav - 1
- 0
Empty string changes to null
#32 opened by alyyousuf7 - 6
- 0
What you think about this
#24 opened by rafakato - 0
Map list of content
#23 opened by akudahewa - 2
Merging multi source objects into one dest?
#19 opened by asaf - 1
Funky arrays of objects in getKeyValue
#14 opened by wankdanker - 3
Fails on empty array; should gracefully ignore
#16 opened by matmar10 - 2
Performance Improve
#8 opened by rafakato - 2
how to map an array
#5 opened by jackielihf