Hadoop Notes


Please the instructions in the lab section to install docker and download required dock image.

Start docker container and all required services

check existing containers info

$ docker ps -a

To start a container again

$ docker start <CONTAINER ID or NAME>

Then attach it by

$ docker attach <CONTAINER ID or NAME>

Every time you restart your container, you are supposed to start all those services again before any HDFS related operations.\

Start all necessary services

# /scripts/start-services.sh

Verify Hadoop

$ hadoop version

HDFS Operations

First, you will need to switch to the hdfs user via

# sudo su - hdfs

Then, you can create a directory and change ownership of the newly created folder

> hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/<username> # username is root
> hdfs dfs -chown <username> /user/<username> # username is root
> exit

Similar to creating local directory via linux command mkdir, creating a folder named input in HDFS use

> hdfs dfs -mkdir input


> hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /input/events
> hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /input/mortality


> hdfs dfs -chown -R root /input

to list hdfs files

> hdfs dfs -ls input
> hdfs dfs -ls input/events

Suppose you followed previous instructions and created an directory named input, you can then copy data from local file system to HDFS using -put. For example,

> cd /bigdata-bootcamp/data
> hdfs dfs -put case.csv input
> hdfs dfs -put control.csv input
> hdfs dfs -put /mnt/host/Users/{USERNAME}/path/to/file /input/events
> hdfs dfs -put /mnt/host/home/wanli/cse6250/bigdata4health/homework2/data/events.csv /input/events
> hdfs dfs -put /mnt/host/home/wanli/cse6250/bigdata4health/homework2/data/mortality.csv /input/mortality

to remove files from hdfs

> hdfs dfs -rm -R /path/to/HDFS/file
> hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /hw2
> hdfs dfs -put /mnt/host/home/wanli/cse6250/bigdata4health/homework2/code/pig/training/ /hw2
> hdfs dfs -put /mnt/host/home/wanli/cse6250/bigdata4health/homework2/code/lr/ /hw2
> hdfs dfs -ls /hw2
> hdfs dfs -chown -R root /hw2

outside of hdfs system

# hadoop jar /usr/lib/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-streaming.jar -D mapreduce.job.reduces=5 -files lr -mapper "python lr/mapper.py -n 5 -r 0.4 " -reducer "python lr/reducer.py -f 3618" -input /hw2/training -output /hw2/models

copy model to local

# hdfs dfs -get /hw2/models
#cat pig/testing/* | python lr/testensemble.py -m models/

Run Hive scripts

hive -f sample.hql

Run Pig scripts

Pig tutorials

pig -x local sample.pig