
Tool for collecting and visualizing citations and other string stuff

Primary LanguagePython



iocit is a set of simple python scripts with great ambitions.
It useful for collecting and manipulating different types of text data.

What for?

When you read something you may save any citation or unknown word or something else in a text file on your hard drive. Just select it and press predefined hotkey - iocit will store your selection. You may create as many files as you want, just tell it to iocit by editing config.py.
After that iocit will show you collected strings sometimes and do another useful things.


* savecit.py - save selected text in a file
* showcit.py - show notification with random saved string
* config.py - configuration file

You may use it as is from command line.

    python /path/to/sctipt/savecit.py
    python /path/to/sctipt/showcit.py

savecit.py has following keys:
-s N - where to save text. 'N' is number of target file, see config.py
-t - add '\t' symbol in the end of string before saving (for creating tab-separated values)

But using keybindings and periodical notifications makes iocit much more useful. 
Additional software

For lunux:
* xsel - work with buffers (including selected text)
* xbindkeys - call anything with hotkeys
* notify-send - show notifications
* dzen2 - show notifications too (it's more fun!)
* cron - do something in predefined time

What to do to make it work

1. Install requared utilities. You may use another software, just rewrite some methods.
2. Edit configuration file. Read comments inside.
3. Bind hotkeys. Edit your .xbindkeysrc by adding following strings. You may use any hotkeys you like. My .xbindkeysrc looks like this:

   #save selected string in target 1
   Alt + 1
     python /path/to/script/savecit.py -s 1
   #save selected string in target 2
   Alt + 2
     python /path/to/script/savecit.py -s 2
   #save selected string in target 3
   Alt + 3
     python /path/to/script/savecit.py -s 3
   #for default target and for applications with reserved Alt + num
   Control + Alt + n
     python /path/to/script/savecit.py -s 0

   #following strings useful for saving tab-separated values. If you want to save a term, then tab symbol, then defenition of the term, use following
   #save selected string in target 1 and add tab symbol after it
   Alt + Shift + 1
     python /path/to/script/savecit.py -s 1 -t
   #save selected string in target 2 and add tab symbol after it
   Alt + Shift + 2
     python /path/to/script/savecit.py -s 2 -t
   #save selected string in target 3 and add tab symbol after it
   Alt + Shift + 3
     python /path/to/script/savecit.py -s 3 -t
   #for default target and for applications with reserved Alt + num
   Control + Alt + m
     python /path/to/script/savecit.py -s 0 -t

4. Add a task into crontab. You will see notification window with random string from one of your files. 

   crontab -e

   Add following string into crontab:

   #I prefer to see notifications every 5 minutes
   */5 * * * * python /path/to/script/showcit.py 

5. Make savecit.py and showcit.py executible

   chmod a+x /path/to/script/*.py

6. Don't forget about python!

Success story

For instance, I collect data in 4 files.
0. default
[tab] in example means '\t' symbol between strings.
	blabla[tab]	bla
1. glossary
	a term[tab]	defenition of the term
	a term without defenition
	another term[tab]	another defenition
2. citation
	"A citation from a book or blog which i have read recently. I can edit it by hand in text file called 'citation' btw"
3. googleit
	Laplasian smoothing
	another words
	which i don't want to forget
	and google it later

Every 5 minutes iocit takes a string from any of this files and shows it to me in notification window. So I passively learn unknown terms and remember everything what i want to google. Also my mind and spirit rises when i read a great citation sometimes. I am not bored with it because I dont't now which type of data I will see next. Long life random!  


To create a set of small scripts for easy and fast processing of little text pieces.
Collect and manipulate!

* Add boolean value show or not strings from this files with notifications
* Add optional tags in the end of any string (comma-separated)
* Call google search for any string
* Call translator for any string
* Rewrite README
* Use command-line keys to define what additional software to use