
Rules for fonts used with this template

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Are there any rules/limitations where fonts may be changed? For example, I would like to use mathpazo fonts in my thesis...

Not that I am aware of.

For reference, the template does not fix any fonts. It only sets the section titles to a sans serif font.

To change the titles font, use the \allsectionsfont command that is available through the sectsty package.

Other fonts can be changed in thesis.tex in the standard latex manner. For example for Helvetica:


For Palatino like fonts you could do:

\usepackage{mathpazo}% for math
\usepackage{tgpagella}% for text
\linespread{1.1} % Palatino needs more leading

Thanx a lot for the answer. What I did is:

\usepackage{mathpazo}% for math
\usepackage{tgpagella}% for text
\linespread{1.1} % Palatino needs more leading


in thesis.tex.

This changed the font for the text and titles, but not for \maketitle, chapter names in TOC, page numbers, etc. I found in the .cls file that those guys are hard coded to sans serif. After 1h of trying to set qpl as sans serif, I just deleted sans serif tags where needed. If you have suggestion how to set this properly, please let me know.