General Purpose Finite Field Module

The main contribution of this project is a generic FiniteField class in Python, supporting Galois fields of any (prime powered) size.

The main design principles are:

  • Build general-purpose, well-decomposed classes that are easy to use and modify
  • Hide complexity behind an intuitive and well-documented interface
  • Have minimal dependencies

In particular, while we provide an implementation of the Reed Solomon Code and various math utility functions that operate over the FiniteField class, all of them operate without any assumptions about the inner workings of the FiniteField class. Similarly, the FiniteField class is built so that it does not have to make assumptions about how it will be use. We believe this is the key toward achieving the design principles listed above.

This project is heavily inspired by John Ousterhout's book, A Philosophy of Software Design, and his CS 190 class at Stanford, Software Design Studio.

Design Overview

We provide the following classes:

Construct a finite field of a given order. For prime ordered fields, the field elements are simply the integers 0 to p-1, with addition and multiplication mod p. For fields of order p^m for m > 1, construction requires passing in an irreducible polynomial g(x), and the field elements are the polynomial remainders F_p[x] mod g(x).

F5 = FiniteField(5)                 # order 5 
F49 = FiniteField(7, 2, [1, 0, 1])  # order 7^2 = 49, with irreducible polynomial
                                    # 1 + x^2 (1 + 0 x + 1 x^2)

After construction, one can use an instance of this class like a function to create field elements (see the FiniteFieldElem class below):

print(F5(3))  # just the number 3, in the context of the integers mod 5
# you can directly do arithmetic on field elements
assert F5(2) + F5(4) == F5(1)  # 2 + 4 == 1 mod 5

# each element of F_{49} is a remainder polynomial of degree < 2 in F_7[x]
a = F49([1, 3])   # the element 1 + 3x
b = F49([3, 4])
print(a * b)      # should get [F49] (5, 6), since (1 + 3x) * (3 + 4x) mod (1 + x^2)
                  # == 3 + 13x + 12x^2
                  # == -9 + 13x
                  # == 5 + 6x  (remember each coefficient is taken mod 7)

For a mathematical walkthrough of finite fields of nonprime order, see these lecture notes.

By default, on field creation a linear search is performed to find a primitive element of this field. The field object returned then keeps track of an internal log table, which allows O(1) multiplication and division. This behavior can be turned off by passing in find_primitive_elem = False to the constructor.

Internal class representing a field element. Rather than creating an instance of this class directly, it is recommended to use the FiniteField class as a function call, as shown in the example above.

This class overwrites the arithmetic operators +, -, *, /. These operators are defined over two elements of the same field. You can also directly operate with an integer, in which case the integer is interpretted as a field element with all higher ordered terms set to 0.

This class gives a working example for an application of finite fields. In particular, we implement the Reed Solomon code, an Error Correcting Code that achives the Singleton Bound and is widely used in practice.

RS = ReedSolomon(field, n, k, eval_points)
ciphertext = RS.encode(msg)  # msg is a list of k field elements
plaintext = RS.decode(ciphertext_with_errors)  # decodes from F_q^n -> F_q^k

Note that this implementation requires no knowledge about the internal workings of the FiniteField or FiniteFieldElem class. The only requirement is that the message to be encoded or decoded are given as lists of field elements, and that those field elements support arithmetic operations. This demonstrates the decomposability and general-purposeness of our design.

In addition, we provide a library of general-purpose helper math functions, such as Gaussian Elimination and Polynomial Interpolation, in These functions operate over any data type that supports basic arithmetic (+, -, *, /), so one can use them over the reals, over FiniteFieldElems, and over any other number-like objects.


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