
A collaborative machine learning framework that operates through Tor.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A collaborative machine learning framework that operates through Tor.


Everything is stored in two directories: DistSys (in Golang, all the distributed systems logic) and ML (in Python, all the ML logic)
We use go-python to link the two.

Before running the system, all machines need to have tor installed.

Once Tor is installed, the service machine needs to open up the hidden service. Do this by modifying the torrc (config file).
I found this file in: <tor_dir>/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Tor

Add the following config parameters:

HiddenServiceDir <your_directory>  
HiddenServicePort 80       # Port for the webinterface
HiddenServicePort 5005     # Control port, used for joining and curating
HiddenServicePort 6000     # Worker ports: By default we use from 6000 - 6010
HiddenServicePort 6001  
HiddenServicePort etc...    
Log notice file /home/cfung/workspace/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Log/tor.log  
UseBridges 1

Add one HiddenServicePort for every connection you want the tor server to handle.


On server machine:
go run torserver.go

On client machines:
go run torcurator.go c1 studyName
go run torclient.go h1 studyName dataFile
go run torclient.go h2 studyName dataFile

A good test set is the credit dataset.