
Github issue ripper

Primary LanguagePerl

#gir Github Issue Ripper


Rip all the issues from a set of repositories into individual files


gir makes use of :

  • Ruby 2.1.5 although eariler versions will most certianly work
  • Octokit.rb (a ruby gem for parsing github repositories)
  • prawn (for PDF output)


With the dependencies correctly installed gir can be run with the following commands: For public repos:
ruby gir.rb <repolist.txt>
For private repos:
ruby gir.rb <repolist.txt> -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD

where repolist.txt is a file containing one repository per line, and organization can refer to either an organization or a user.

For example, if you wanted to get the issues from Linus Torvals repolist.txt would be formatted as follows



... and gir would be run by ruby gir repolist.txt