

Clone and Deploy

To get started, clone the repository and create a new project in Vercel. We've turned off Vercel's auto-build feature, so this won't do anything yet, but it will give us a URL to use in the next steps.

Rename "fullstack_template" References

In your cloned project, replace all instances of fullstack_template with your project name. This shouldn't (🤞) break anything.

Setup Integrations and Secrets

Copy the .env.local.example file to .env.local and fill in the values. This will involve setting up Clerk and Neon projects.

Clerk Setup

Create a new project in Clerk. Once that's done, do the following:

  • Add the development secret and publishable keys to your .env.local file.
  • Restrict the providers to email only. You can add more social providers later, but for now, we're just using email.
  • Make sure that the personal_information -> name option is set and required for all users.
  • Set up a webhook to sync Clerk with your database. You should use the following parameters when setting the webhook:
    • URL: {YOUR_VERCEL_URL}/api/clerk-auth/sync
    • Events: user.deleted, user.created, user.updated
  • Add the webhook signing secret to your .env.local file. For now, we won't create a separate production instance as that requires a custom domain. You can do that later.

Neon Setup

Create a new project in Neon. Then, do the following:

  • Add the Neon project ID to your .env.local file.
  • Generate a Neon API key and add it to your .env.local file.

Vercel Setup

You need a Vercel access token to build and deploy via CI/CD. Generate one and add it to the .env.local file for now.

Add Secrets to GitHub

Now that your .env.local file is set up, you need to add the secrets to GitHub. Follow the instructions in .env.local.example to see which secrets you need to add. Note that some secrets should be suffixed with _PREVIEW / _PRODUCTION to indicate which environment they're for.


With all the secrets set up, you can now deploy your project to Vercel. Create an empty commit and push it to your repository. This should trigger a build and deploy to Vercel.

Create Your First User

To make sure that everything's working, create an account on your production deployment. Once you've logged in you should be able to use the application.

Run Locally

Install the dependencies:

bun install

Update the users part of src/server/db/seed.ts with the account that you created in Clerk. Then run a local postgres server (with Docker running):

bun run db:reset

Start the server:

bun dev