
Before buying a car it's best to compare its feature and characteristic with other cars. This project car comparison system focuses on providing buyers an estimate of the similarities and dissimilarities between two cars. User can select two cars and the system will generate a brief report indicating the benefits and defects. Thus it helps user to analyze the cars effectively and user can make best decision before buying.

The system has an admin login that has sole control over it. He can post different cars and can put up notifications. The user logs into the system and can search for his car. The system then shows various car options for comparison with respect to the desired one. Hence user can check out varieties of features and can compare it. The system has an additional advantage of providing and suggesting the best accessories available for the respective car.

This online system is developed on php platform and supported by a MySQL database to store user specific details.


• Admin login: It has an admin account that controls the whole system. Admin has the control to give access to employee in the system.

• Comparison system: It compares the two cars features and characteristics as asked by user.

• Accessories option: It also provides varieties of accessories available with the cars.

• Feedback form: User can provide reviews and feedback for particular car.

• Enquiry form: If user has some confusion he can query the same in enquiry form. The form is then sent to admin.

• Emailing: If user wants to get the comparison report then he can do so by providing their email id and the system sends the report to respective user.