Pig dice
This is a front end project that has been built primarily on bootstrap, CSS and Javascript.
Getting Started
To get started with this project, clone the project onto the location of choice and locate index.html in the parent folder. Open the file with a browser of your choice and view the website on yur local machine. Alternatively, you may also view the application by visiting https://github.com/wanyakiago/pig-dice.git
-You need the following to view the files on your computer. -A computer running on either Windows, Macros or Ubuntu operating system. -Web Browser -text Editor, ie visual studio code, atom io, sublime text,
Built With
- [HTML] - For creating Web pages
- [Bootstrap bootstrap-4.0.0-dist.zip - The front end framework
- CSS - To create Style sheets
- jquery - For functionality of the game -kindly before starting you need to try if your code links with css and js are working well , for instance give the background a lavendar color or plums or ready, proceed to js and set an alert like hallo world so as to have a running base from the beginning.
###rules of the game -If the player rolls a 1, they score nothing and it becomes the next player's turn. If the player rolls any other number, it is added to their turn total and the player's turn continues. If a player chooses to "hold", their turn total is added to their score, and it becomes the next player's turn. -until one of the player win with 49+ score it keeps rolling