
A hodgepodge of systems for supporting the administration of the UCT Maths Competition

Primary LanguagePython

UCT Maths Competition

Online system for administering schools and students entering the annual UCT Mathematics Competition

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


A step by step series of instructions on how to get a development env running

Clone UCT Maths repository

~/work$ git clone https://github.com/j5int/uct-maths-competition.git

Setup your virtualenv

~/work$ sudo pip install virtualenv
~/work$ mkdir venv
~/work$ cd work/venv
~/work/venv$ virtualenv uctmaths_venv
~/work/venv$ cd work/venv/uctmaths_venv
~/work/venv/uctmaths_venv$ source bin/activate

Install requirements for uct-maths-competition (Django 1.6 and other libraries)

(uctmaths_venv)$ cd ~/work/uct-maths-competition
(uctmaths_venv)~/work/uct-maths-competition$ pip install -r req.txt 

Create uctmaths database and user

Update settings.ini

Sync database (create tables based on your Django models) and create superuser

(uctmaths_venv)~/work/uct-maths-competition/uctMaths$ python manage.py syncdb

Start Django server

(uctmaths_venv)~/work/uct-maths-competition/uctMaths$ python manage.py runserver