
Library for the MS5611 barometric pressure sensor using SPI

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Library for the MS5611 Barometric Pressure Sensor based on the Arduino framework. This library is intended to use the SPI interface only. This library has been tested on Teensy 3.6 and Arduino Nano.

/!\ WARNING /!\

The pins of MS5611 are NOT 5V tolerant. Always use 3.3V microcontrollers (like the Teensy 3.6) or make sure to add a level shifter between your microcontroller and your MS5611 when using a 5V microncontroller (like the Arduino Nano)


As a library

This repository can be downloaded as a zip file and extracted in your Arduino library folder


  1. Install PlatformIO on your system
  2. Clone this repository

Run the project in a PlatformIO terminal using

platformio run -t upload # Default, upload to Teensy 3.6
# OR
platformio run -t upload -e nano

Unit testing

This library uses PlatformIO unit tests to verify the code validity

platformio test

Folder structure

├── doc/
├── examples/                   // Example sketches
│   └── BasicPressure/
│       └── BasicPressure.ino
├── src/                        // Source files for the library, compatible with PlatformIO
│   ├── MS5611/
│   │   ├── MS5611.cpp
│   │   └── MS5611.h
│   └── MS5611.h                // Dummy header for compliance with the Arduino library format
├── test/                       // Unit tests
│   ├── test_main.cpp
│   └── test.py
├── platformio.ini              // Configuration file for PlatformIO
└── README.md                   // This file