
Using Unreal Engine MASS(ECS) to roll on some zombies 虚幻5 mass丧尸demo

Primary LanguageC++


Being developed using Unreal Engine 5.2 to learn MASS

5000(at startup) Zombies moving towards player car while avoiding each other and getting run over.

Zombies :

  • They have a single animation made with AnimToTexture plugin.
  • Their UV Channel 0 is overrided by AnimToTexture plugin(mesh problem) :( so they look a bit off when you close in on them.
  • All of the meshes are Static Mesh Instance.
  • They avoid eachother while moving towards player.

Zombie Killing :

  • (Not Used) Killing Them With Collision :
    • To do this i had to use actors and that cut down fps by half.
    • Also you have to tinker with LOD too much to get even a okay result.
  • Killing Them With UKismetMathLibrary::IsPointInBox
    • UKillZombiesInAreaProcessor checks every frame for overlaps.
    • Allowed me to use Static Mesh Instance in all Zombies.
    • Its a hardcoded box.

Performance :

  • Fps is 25-30 in startup and goes up when killing zombies.
  • I have a good gaming pc(3060ti 5600x) so 30fps is not fantastic.
  • It could be way better probably. I will try to improve over time


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