An application for getting audio files with pronunciation from
npm install -g pronunciation-finder
If you don't have npm please install it
Executable file can be downloaded from
pronunciation-finder car apple window
OR if you have a file with words
pronunciation-finder $(cat words.txt)
$ pronunciation-finder --help
Usage: pronunciation-finder [options] <words>
An application for getting transcription and audio from Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
-v, --version output the version number
-p, --path [value] Path for downloaded files (default: ./)
-d, --dictionary [value] Dictionary [oxford, cambridge] (default: cambridge)
-g, --gap [value] Add gap [value] sec to the end of file (default: 0)
-h, --help output usage information
Files with name like everything | ˈevriθɪŋ |.mp3
npm update -g pronunciation-finder
npm uninstall -g pronunciation-finder