Word Division Application
Application to create and solve Word Division problems, such as the Word Arithmetic pages in Dell Crossword puzzles:
G O ┌─────────── M E W │ L I G H T L M N O ─────── E N I T H I I H ──────── L G G
This is a long division puzzle, having ten digits represented by ten unique letters, whose solution 0 through 9 spell out a word or phrase. The solution involves finding the unique decimal digit solution of each letter by using long division techniques.
Dividend The number that will be divided, "L I G H T" in the example above.
Divisor Divides into the Divident, " M E W" in the example above.
Quotient The result of the division, without the remainder. "G O" in the example.
Remainder "L G G" in the example above.
Subtraction Step One step in the long-division process, a row of subtraction. There are two subtraction steps in the example above:
L I G H E N I T L M N O H I I H ─────── ─────── E N I L G GThere is one subtraction step for each digit of the Quotient. Note that each step vertically overlaps other steps, but on the other hand, is only a horizontal subslice of the width of the overall dividend .
com.wapitia.worddivision.model.Subcell A Subtraction cell focuses on a single vertical column from a Subtraction step, such as:
I I ── GThese digits, along with any carry or borrow, can be an isolated part of the solution.