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!! Moved to another repository: https://github.com/wapmorgan/Imagery This one is not updatable at all!

ImageEditor is a wrapper of gd functions. Earlier it was working only in yii-application context, now you can use this package in any application.

Composer package Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License


  • Composer package: wapmorgan/image-editor [1]
  • Archive: https://github.com/wapmorgan/ImageEditor/archive/master.zip

How to start: Create from existing file or make an empty area

$image = ImageEditor::createFromFile($filename);
// or
$image = ImageEditor::createWithSize($width, $height);
// or
$image = ImageEditor::createFromResource(imagecreatetruecolor(90, 90));


  1. width - width of image
  2. height - height of image
  3. resource - original gd-resource of image (you can pass it directly to image-gd functions)


Resize && Zoom (don't cut image)

can minimize and maximize image:

  1. zoomWidthTo(int $size) - changes proportionally image width to $size
  2. zoomHeightTo(int $size) - changes proportionally image height to $size

can only minimize image:

  1. decreaseWidthTo(int $size) - decreases proportionally image width to $size, if needed
  2. decreaseHeightTo(int $size) - decreases proportionally image height to $size, if needed
  3. decreaseTo(int $size) - decreases proportionally larger side to $size, if needed

can do everything you ask it for:

  1. resize(int $width, int $height) - resizes an image to $width X $height

Crop (can cut image)

  1. crop($x, $y, $x2, $y2) - cuts a rectangular piece of image
  2. decreaseSide($side, int $size) - deletes a piece of image from specific side. For example, if $side=top and $size=100, 100px from top will be deleted.

Rotation && Mirroring

  1. rotate($angle, $bgColor = 0) - rotates an image. True equals 90°, False equals -90°.
  2. horizontalFlip() - flips an image horizontally.
  3. verticalFlip() - flips an image vertically.


  1. appendImageTo($side, ImageEditor $appendix, int $modifiers) - appends an image ($appendix) to current image at $side (top|bottom|left|right).
  2. placeImageAt($x, $y, ImageEditor $image) - places an image atop current image at $x X $y.
  3. placeImageAtCenter(ImageEditor $image) - places an image in the center of current image.


  1. save($filename, $format, $quality) - saves image to disk. Possible $format values: jpeg, png, gif, wbmp. Quality is an integer value between 0 (worst) and 100 (best).



| version                                        | date         | description                                                                                                            |
| v0.0.6: composer fixes and ImageEditor updates | May 19, 2014 | Changed:                                                                                                               |
|                                                |              | * Method **saveToFile()** marked as depricated. Now use **save()** method instead.                                     |
|                                                |              | * Added method **tryCreateFromFile()** which returns either an ImageEditor instance (on success) or null (on failure). |
|                                                |              | * Fixed composer configuration (autoloading and requirements).                                                         |
| v0.0.5: instantiation from bmp files           | May 6, 2014  | Changed:                                                                                                               |
|                                                |              | * Added function **imagecreatefrombmp**.                                                                               |
|                                                |              | * Some updates in `saveToFile()`: now you can use predefined constants like IMAGETYPE_XXX to specify output format.    |
| v0.0.4: new class ImageEditorTools             | Apr 22, 2014 | Changed:                                                                                                               |
|                                                |              | * Added **ImageEditorTools.php** with `pHash()` method.                                                                |
| v0.0.3: standalone using and composer.json     | Apr 22, 2014 | Changed:                                                                                                               |
|                                                |              | * Added **CComponent.php**. **ImageEditor** loads in automatically if need. (so you can use ImageEditor without yii).  |
|                                                |              | * Added **composer.json**. Packagist name: `wapmorgan/image-editor`                                                    |
| v0.0.2: a lot of changes                       | Apr 12, 2014 | Changed:                                                                                                               |
|                                                |              | * allowing clone object.                                                                                               |
|                                                |              | * returning $this in all methods.                                                                                      |
|                                                |              | * **cropSide** renamed to **decreaseSide**.                                                                            |
|                                                |              | * added **decreaseWidthTo**(), **decreaseHeightTo**() and **decreaseTo**().                                            |
|                                                |              | * **appendImageTo**() finished.                                                                                        |
|                                                |              | * **rotate()** fixed.                                                                                                  |
|                                                |              | * **added gif and wbmp** formats in saveToFile().                                                                      |
|                                                |              | * **added mirroring functions**: horizontalFlip() and verticalFlip().                                                  |
|                                                |              | * **added createFromResource** static public method.                                                                   |
|                                                |              | * **created testing script**, **added docs**.                                                                          |
| first commit                                   | Oct 4, 2013  |                                                                                                                        |