
🗂 A react-static plugin that allows you to specify files, that, when changed, will trigger a route reload

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

react-static-plugin-file-watch-reload 🗂

License David dependencies

This plugin allows you to specify file(s), that, when changed, will trigger a route reload. This is very useful in an development environment.

For this functionality, the rebuildRoutes function of react-static is called whenever a file change is detected. Under the hood, this package uses chokidar for file watching.


In an existing react-static site run:

$ yarn add -D react-static-plugin-file-watch-reload

Then add the plugin to your static.config.js:

export default {
  plugins: [
        // example configuration
        paths: ['your/path/here.json', 'another/file/here.json'],


In your static.config.js, you should pass configuration options to the plugin.

paths: string | string[]

Pass files, directories, or glob patterns for watching. Takes an array of strings or just one string. By default, directories are watched recursively. You may take a look at chokidar's documentation to find out exactly which formats are supported.

silent: boolean

Default value: false

By default, the plugin will log whenever a watched file changes. You may disable the log messages by setting silent: true in the plugin options.

config: chokidar.WatchOptions

The default configuration of this plugin should match most needs. However, optionally, you may pass a chokidar config object here to override the default config.

For reference, the default config this plugin uses is as follows:

const defaultConfig = {
  awaitWriteFinish: {
    stabilityThreshold: 500,

Please refer to the full API docs of chokidar to find out which configuration options are available.


I am importing a JSON file in my static.config.js and the dev server does not load the new data when I change the file! How do I fix this?

This is actually not a problem related to the plugin - the plugin simply watches files and then calls the rebuildRoutes function of react-static when appropriate.

Instead, your problem lies with webpack - on startup of the react-static dev server, it creates a module for the imported JSON file. This however does not update when the JSON file does, which results in the behaviour you're seeing.

To workaround this, use fs.ReadFileSync in your static.config.js to load the JSON file. With this approach you guarantee that the file is read "fresh" every time rebuildRoutes is called. See this issue for a code example.