Quick and dirty script to fetch individual paper PDFs for networking venues.


./fetch.sh imc 2019

./fetch.sh sigcomm 2018


Tested for 2016-2020 SIGCOMM, IMC, HotNets, NSDI, OSDI. Will probably work for other ACM and Usenix venues as well. More adapters welcome.


On all platforms

  • pip3 install BeautifulSoup4
  • pip3 install requests
  • assumes full PDFs are available on network
  • bash version >= 4 (special for Mac OS, see below)
  • wget

Mac OS

Apparently, the more recent versions of bash are not available for Mac because of license conflicts. Hence, adapt fetch.sh to use zsh instead (replace #!/bin/bash with #!/bin/zsh).

Also, wget is available via Homebrew (brew install wget). If you don't want to use brew, consider aliasing curl.