
Simple Hardhat Boilerplate for EVM blockchains

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hardhat Boilerplate

Greeter smart contract on EVM Blockchains

Running the Dapp

  1. Build the npm dependencies:
    • $ npm install
  2. Compile the contracts
    • $ npm run compile
  3. Deploy contracts to the EVM blockchains
    • $ npm run deploy:option
    • Use following values in place of option:
    • hardhat - for local test network
    • rinkeby - for Rinkeby test network
    • mainnet - for Ethereum Main net
  4. Running test for all networks
    • $ npm run test:option
    • Use following values in place of option:
    • hardhat - for local test network
    • rinkeby - for Rinkeby test network
    • mainnet - for Ethereum Main net