
A simple application to import csv file and store as Json and also in a SQL Database.


The application is composed of following components.


The API component is responsible for uploading the csv file and storing it at a temporary location for further processing

JSON Transformation Service

This component is responsible for transforming the csv file into JSON and store on disk.

SQL Transformation Service

This component is responsible for transforming the csv file and storing in a Database.

Hangfire Server

Hangfire server is responsible for running background scheduled jobs to read csv files from storage and process them accordingly.

Tools & SDKs

  • Visual Studio 2019 (v16.8.3)
  • SQL Server 2016
  • .NET 5.0

Steps to Run

Open appsettings.json and configure the following settings

 "ConnectionStrings": {
    "Default": "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=db;Integrated Security=True"

Configure storage locations for each job

  "JsonJobConfig": {
    "SourcePath": "D:\\JsonJob\\Src",
    "ProcessingPath": "D:\\JsonJob\\Processing",
    "FailedPath": "D:\\JsonJob\\Failed",
    "ProcessedPath": "D:\\JsonJob\\Processed"

  "DbJobConfig": {
    "SourcePath": "D:\\DbJob\\Src",
    "ProcessingPath": "D:\\DbJob\\Processing",
    "FailedPath": "D:\\DbJob\\Failed",
    "ProcessedPath": "D:\\JsonJob\\Processed"

  • SourcePath is the location where api will store the uploaded csv file
  • ProcessingPath is the location to store files which are being processed
  • FailedPath is the location where files which couldn't be processed will be stored
  • ProcessedPath is store the processed files

Running as Standalone

To run the application in standalone mode please simply run the API project and upload the csv file from swagger.

  1. FileUploadController receives the request and delegates to IFileUploadService
  2. IFileUploadService copies the file to SourcePath folder for each transformer
  3. IMediator publishes a notification of type FileUploadedEvent
  4. DbTransformer and JsonTransformer listen to the above published notification and start processing the uploaded file

Running with Hangfire Server

To run the application with Hangfire server follow below steps.

  1. Comment below code from FileUploadController to stop publishing notification
 await _mediator.Publish(new FileUploadedEvent
                    FileName = filename
  1. Set both Data.Transformer.Api and DataTransformer.Hangfire.Server projects as startup projects and run both
  2. Upload csv file from Swagger
  3. Two Hangfire background services are scheduled to run every 30 minutes, but can be triggered manually from hangfire dashboard, jobs can be triggered by going to https://localhost:44364/hangfire/recurring
  4. Trigger JsonTransformationJob manually and once the processing is finished, the processed Json file should be available at ProcessedPath for JsonJobConfig
  5. Trigger SqlTransformationJob manually and after processing is finished, records should be available in the Products table of database.

Possible Improvements

  1. Monitoring for files i.e. pending , processing , processed or failed
  2. Retry logic with Polly (or any) to try processing the file for few times before moving to Failed folder.