This is a site for an incoming conference about videogames, it provides the information and gives the option to buy tickets for it.
This is a project for Microverse program HTML/CSS course which consists of creating a site for a conference using front-end techniques.
Responsiveness: This site is completely responsive to mobile and screen sizes above 768px.
Main Page: Contains the full information for the conference, has a navigation feature to see the about page and the ticket page.
About Page: Contains the information about the conference for this year, and have information about previous conferences.
Ticket Page: Contains forms to buy the tickets for the conference.
See the video explaining the site via the link below
😬 Alan Solis
Just clone this repo and open index.html file in your browser then you are good to go.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
clone the repo.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
- Thanks to Cindy Shin for this marvellous & amazing UI
- icons used from iconify
- Font lato used from google fonts
This project is MIT licensed.