
Control panel for Waterloop: Waterloo's Hyperloop team

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Standard code style

Front end HTML page for controlling the pod

See below link for documentation

Steps to run

For Linux / OSX

# Change config.js if necessary
# Install yarn if necessary:
# sudo npm i -g yarn
# Make sure you're in the root directory of the project

npm run dev

For windows

# Change config.js if necessary
# Install yarn if necessary:
# npm i -g yarn
# Make sure you're in the root directory of the project
# Uninstall windows and install linux and see above
# Or,

set NODE_ENV=development

# But seriously stop using windows

Then open dist/index.html

File Structure

├── dist              - Built files
├── docs              - Documentation
├── events            - Names of broadcasts (from the pod) and commands (to the pod)
├── layouts           - Configuration files for the layout of the control panel
├── src
│   ├── api           - Code for communcation to and from pod
│   ├── components    - React components
│   ├── scss          - Sass styles
│   ├── section       - Sections of the control panel
│   │   ├── controls
│   │   └── visuals
│   └── store         - Redux code (reducer, actions, defaults)
└── test              - Code for testing (test server)