Data Binding Demo with Angular v1 and TypeScript

Explore 2-way data binding scenarios in Angular v.1.x for comparison with corresponding approach in Angular v.2.

Written in TypeScript because

  • we're encouraging use of TS in ng1 as well as ng2
  • makes the comparison a bit easier


  1. Install Node.js

Refer to these instructions on how to not require sudo

  1. Install these NPM packages globally

    npm install -g bower gulp nodemon live-server tsd
  2. Install TypeScript d.ts files

    tsd install
    tsd reinstall
    tsd rebundle

Compile and run

  1. In one terminal, compile and watch changes to TS files

    gulp ts-watcher

To compile on-demand, w/o watching try either of

    gulp ts-compile
    tsc -p src
  1. In second terminal, launch server (8080) with live reload


For more on live-server, try

    live-server --help