
[Image] New docker compose spams warnings about the version element in the compose definition files

mattijv opened this issue · 5 comments

Version of Warden


Operating System and Installation Method

Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS via Brew


All docker compose service definition files.

Describe the Bug

Running most Warden commands with the latest (as was available in the apt repo at the time of writing) version of docker compose causes spam in the console consisting of warnings like the following:

WARN[0000] /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/includes/nginx.base.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/includes/db.base.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/magento2/db.base.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/includes/elasticsearch.base.yml: `version` is obsolete

This is completely benign and does not cause issues, but is slightly annoying.

I believe this happens now because the version element was used by Compose V1, and Compose V2 has always ignored it (as per this comment). Apparently they have now started warning about it.

Since Warden uses the docker compose plugin (i.e. Compose V2), I think we can just remove all the version elements from the service definition files.

To Reproduce

  1. Run warden env up

Expected Behavior

No response

Additional context

docker-ce 5:26.0.0-1~ubuntu.22.04~jammy
docker-ce-cli 5:26.0.0-1~ubuntu.22.04~jammy
docker-compose-plugin 2.25.0-1~ubuntu.22.04~jammy

I just tested locally to remove the version element from all the docker compose .yml files. Everything seems to work as before, and the warnings are gone.

I have same issue. Seems it started since Docker version 25. The site is still running, just too many warning messages when running warden commands.

WARN[0000] /opt/warden/environments/includes/networks.base.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /opt/warden/environments/includes/php-fpm.base.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /opt/warden/environments/includes/php-fpm.linux.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /opt/warden/environments/includes/nginx.base.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /opt/warden/environments/includes/db.base.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /opt/warden/environments/magento2/db.base.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /opt/warden/environments/includes/elasticsearch.base.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /opt/warden/environments/includes/elastichq.base.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /opt/warden/environments/includes/rabbitmq.base.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /opt/warden/environments/includes/redis.base.yml: `version` is obsolete 
WARN[0000] /opt/warden/environments/magento2/magento2.base.yml: `version` is obsolete

This is what I am getting after I updated the OrbStack

WARN[0000] /opt/homebrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/includes/networks.base.yml: `version` is obsolete
WARN[0000] /opt/homebrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/includes/php-fpm.base.yml: `version` is obsolete
WARN[0000] /opt/homebrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/includes/php-fpm.darwin.yml: `version` is obsolete
WARN[0000] /opt/homebrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/includes/nginx.base.yml: `version` is obsolete
WARN[0000] /opt/homebrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/includes/nginx.darwin.yml: `version` is obsolete
WARN[0000] /opt/homebrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/includes/db.base.yml: `version` is obsolete
WARN[0000] /opt/homebrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/symfony/db.base.yml: `version` is obsolete
WARN[0000] /opt/homebrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/includes/elastichq.base.yml: `version` is obsolete
WARN[0000] /opt/homebrew/Cellar/warden/0.14.2/environments/symfony/symfony.base.yml: `version` is obsolete

I'm getting the same after updating OrbStack a couple weeks back.

Fixedin 0.14.3