blinkin admin panel (870 kb)

We have 5 components into this library

  1. Users

  2. AddUsers

  3. Dashboard

  4. Call activity

  5. Logs

Add package into existing project

npm install git+ssh://

or add as dependency in your package.json file

"blinkin-admin-panel": "github:wardhanster/blinkin-admin-panel.git#<Commit of your build in master branch>"


This package is a standalone package. So you have to install this inside a dummy project for development.

How to run project :-

  1. Unzip and install packages for dummy app.

  2. Goto src directory of dummy project.

  3. Clone current project inside /src directory of dummy project. Now /src should look like /src/blinkin-admin-panel .

  4. Import componet which you have to work in App.js eg. import { Users } from './blinkin-admin-panel/src'

  5. Import required methods for that components from /non-native-dependencies/services/adminStore directory or from /non-native-dependencies/services/userStore depending upon the required prop.

  6. Fetch latest user token from main BlinkIn app with proper authentication for accessing admin module. Update token direcly inside /non-native-dependencies/services .

  7. If there is any methods missing in /non-native-dependencies/services, make sure copy them from main BlinkIn app services into dummy app services.

How to Build

  1. Goto /src/blinkin-admin-panel directory of dummy app.

  2. Make sure react and react-dom version sync with main BlinkIn app.

  3. If dependencies are in proper version, run npm run build to build your code.

  4. After successfully building the code, commit your code and push to remote repo.

  5. Copy full commit hash of your latest push on GitHub and use that in main Blinkin package.json for pulling latest build.


import { Users } from 'blinkin-admin-panel';

Users handing Fetch Props

Users Prop handling details

Add Users

import { AddUsers } from 'blinkin-admin-panel';

Add Users handing Fetch Props

Add Users prop handling details

Note : Am using axios to test since we need to handle two things 1. progess percentage 2. On success message


import { Dashboard } from 'blinkin-admin-panel';
<Dashboard fetchData={fetchData} fetchUserData={fetchUserData} />

Dashboard props handing

Dashboard prop handling details

Call Activity

import { CallActivity } from 'blinkin-admin-panel';

Call activity props handling

Call activity prop handling details


import { Logs } from 'blinkin-admin-panel';
<Logs getAPI={getLogsAPI} filteringAPI={filteringLogsAPI} />

Logs props handling

logs props handling details